How do I tell my mom that I can’t take care of my sibling anymore?

She works full time she doesn’t have time for my 2 siblings (4&6) for example the 4 year old isn’t potty trained I also noticed he’s behind on a lot of stuff like clothing himself or simple things like that. They sometimes go days without showering not gonna lie they probably bathe once or twice a week.. I try to help my mom a lot I’ll wash their clothes and I also still pay rent I’m currently unemployed but I’d like to go back in the summer I already know this is going to upset her because to her I HAVE to help her with the kids since I’m the oldest.. she recently divorced a year ago and recently put child support on her ex husband as well. How do I tell my mom that I can no longer help her no more? I love her and she has done a lot for me but I honestly feel stressed out

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Posted at
Be honest with her you shouldn’t take care of two kids if you don’t have the time or the patience she’s your mom yeah but you shouldn’t feel obligated , It sucks but the dad should help her put them in a daycare.


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Id continue helping while you're unemployed. But tell her once you start working you wont be able too


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So many questions here. 1. How old are you? 2. Are you leaving with your mother? 3. How don't you have the time since you are unemployed? 4. Is your mother depressed because that is not normal behaviour even if she works full time.


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Honestly they aren’t your responsibility and she shouldn’t expect you to help take care of kids that aren’t yours. I’d be honest with her and let her know you plan on working again and cannot take that responsibility on


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Maybe tell her "I want to work on my career and education in the summer & I can't do it an watch the kids."Tell her now so she can plan.


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While your unemployed I’d still help. How old are you and are you living with her? Is it the awkwardness of the living conditions? If you take the kids to the doctors for her, I’d hint into the doctor what you wrote about the four year old. If your mom is getting government assistance she can probably get daycare vouchers