I feel guilty and worthless...

Long story short- my ex discarded me.. that was before 9 months... yesterday we contacted eacother..

“I know u will tell me he’s an EX for a reason”

But all these 9 months I never forgot him, I passed all these months with panic attacks and anxiety... it still hurts.. it’s like am attached and stuck...

Yesterday we texted he asked me to send him pics of me.. we texted a lot he sent me also pics..

I feel guilty coz we ended up talking about our sexual experience... I sent him pics of me when we were togather... the pics are a bit sexy..

I REGRET I felt like a whore.... but I don’t know why I did that.. deep inside I know I still have feelings for him..

Anyways I deleted the pics after from the chat..

Now why am depressed coz the way he’s talking to me is kinda selfish, anyways he was selfish and the narcissistic type when we were together.. he lied, cheated.. he always wanted to be the center of attention.

Yesterday when we texted I felt bad, coz it’s like he asked the questions that are ONLY suitable for him, for example he didn’t ask how am doing? Or what happened with my MA? You know what I mean?

Anyways I was the last who sent the last text but till now he didn’t open my msg..

What should I do help me???

Am lost I can’t think properly..