ClearBlue Ovulation Predictor Kit - Use more than once ?


Hi all,

I have a shorter ovulation cycle that after 6-7 days of using OPK’s, I get the solid smiley face on the ClearBlue Advanced Ovulation Predictor Kit. I’ve used the same “reader” the previous two cycles and it worked both times right on schedule. Since I have 8 sticks left over, I decided to use the same “reader” again. I haven’t gotten a high peak “blinking smiley face” yet and I statistically should have. I know it’s possible I could be delayed but the previous 5 cycles have all been consistent. Does anyone know if you use the same reader a few cycles that it will no longer detect an LH surge and therefore won’t work? I was trying to save some money not buying a new box just yet but might have ruined this months chances by doing so...

Thanks in advance for your help!