TWW Pregnancy Symptoms - BFP


Over the past many months of TTC, these posts have kept me going doing the obsessing and over analysing and I just wanted to share my TWW symptoms!

So firstly, I only BD the day of my peak OPK (but I do not temp) and 2 days post ovulation.

1 to 4dpo - No symptoms whatsoever! Although, the night of 4dpo - 5dpo I woke up in the middle of the night curled up in a ball with a really bad cramp that only lasted a minute or two. To be honest, until I got my BFP, I genuinely questioned whether I dreamt this happening! But I am pretty sure this was implantation cramping!!!!

5dpo - Sore and itchy nipples (which is normal for me around this time!)

6dpo - Slightly constipated and a minor headache

7dpo - Boobs and still slightly sore but no more than normal and slightly creamy CM (all normal PMS!) but NO other symptoms!

8dpo - Normally around this time I would start having period pains but had nothing today! Very weird symptom but I felt like my eyes were really fuzzy almost like when you have too much screen time. I also woke up and felt a sore throat coming on!

9dpo - Nippes are large and boobs are veiny, slightly itchy and tingly at times and flaking - same as last month before PMS though!

10dpo - Creamy CM and gassy!! Really minor cramping and thought I was out this month. In the afternoon, I suddenly felt really ill in the afternoon like I had the flu; headache, body aches, very sore throat and tired! I had a nap in the afternoon and was on the sofa for the rest of the day. Also yawning A LOT! Me being my over dramatic self, I started thinking that maybe I had the start of COVID. But having browsing on glow and seeing other people talk about flu symptoms being a pregnancy symptom, I decided to take a test at 11:30pm on a cheapie and it was a BFP!!! I for sure thought it had to be a dye run and decided to test with my FRER the next day

11dpo - BFP on FRER with FMU! I think if I had tested on 9dpo I would have gotten a VFL.

I am completely in shock! I’ve been trying for over a year but I think I have only just started ovulating over the past 2 months when I have started to have ovulation symptoms and positive OPKs. Overall, a big symptom for me this month was that I didn’t have many symptoms!!! The month before I logged SO many “symptoms” and then I was met with my period! And this month I hardly logged ANY until I started getting the sore throat / fly symptoms!! Another thing was that normally, I am addicted to POAS but since ovulation I have just been really naturally calm when it came to testing for some reason.

Baby dust and hope this helps anyone like it helped me!