What to do? Swaddling question.

My baby is 10 weeks and a few days old and cannot roll from back to front yet. We use halo sleep sack swaddles which have the velcro and recently he has been busting out of them. The only thing is, if you put him down and he’s not swaddled, he’ll cry. So the only way he’ll sleep on a flat surface like his bassinet rather than on us is if he’s swaddled. But I’m starting to get anxiety about swaddling him. I absolutely do not want the fabric to go up over his face while I’m asleep, and I also don’t want to have to stay up all night holding him again because won’t sleep without a swaddle. I bought these pods from Amazon but they were way too big and he could still freely move his arms around which totally defeats the purpose.

I don’t really know what to do at this point. I need suggestions, PLEASE 😭