2nd baby with colic in a row


My 1st was perfect. My 2nd had bad colic till she was 6 months. Hated everything. Music, the swing, the play may, etc. She atleast was ok during the day if held. Evening time was her witching hour. Now I have my 3rd, he turned 2 weeks yesterday & has all the signs of colic. Except he’s like this 24/7 anytime he’s awake or not eating. My only saving grace is the pacifier right now. Constantly fussy & crying held, not held, in the bouncer, being rocked, doesn’t matter. I can only get him to stop & calm down with the pacifier. Sometimes he doesn’t take it though. How did I get two colicky babies in a row?? 😩😭 From experience I know it just had to run its course. God I just pray it doesn’t last 6 months like his sister did! Now that he’s at the 2 week mark & not sleeping as much, it’s harder & a full time job just trying to keep him calm all day. This just sucks.