Daughters real father.

My daughter was born February 7th 2019. Her real father already said he wasn’t signing the birth certificate and was fine with her getting my mothers last name ( my last name brought me back luck from my real fathers side and didn’t want her to have it). He didn’t even come to the hospital to see her and seen her for the first time when she was 2 weeks old, he didn’t bring her Christmas (his father and step mother bought what she got ) and they came a week late, they didn’t come to her first birthday or second birthday and didn’t ever bring her presents, he got her a Easter basket 7 months late, he didn’t speak to me for 8 months and didn’t return a text to my messages and then messaged me 8 months later saying he would take me to court if I didn’t let him see her ( I wasn’t keeping her from him). And then didn’t come see her for another 6 months. And that was in July 2020. From then to December he didn’t message me, ask me about her, didn’t offer to get anything for her. So I blocked his number and all his families number and I blocked them all on Facebook. They kept trying to make me seem like a bad mother and like I was keeping her from him when he is the one not caring to come see her but will drive 2 hours away from home to get drugs. He has only bought her like 150 dollars worth of stuff. In her two years of life he has seen her maybe 8-9 times. My now husband has been her father since she was 6 months old. He loves her and she loves him. He wants to adopt her and give her his last name. But I know if I tell her real father he’ll get mad but then go right back to not seeing her or talk to me.

He use to make fake numbers on apps to try and get me to cheat on him when he was cheating on me. So if he wants to get ahold of me he can find another way. I’m not going to have him coming in and out of her life and confusing her when he only wants to see her when his mother ask if he has seen her and he comes to get a few pictures.

Since he didn’t sign the birth certificate or anything is there a way I can have my husband adopt her without having to involve him?