Moms of 2+ who delivered during Covid...


Looking for advice/ideas on childcare for my 3.5 year old son when I deliver.

I’m hoping for natural delivery, it won’t be scheduled.

Grandparents are local (40 minutes away and 20 minutes away), and will be caring for him while we’re in the hospital.

But with covid, he can’t just hang out at the hospital with us until a grandparent comes to get him.

My husband and I are pretty nervous about the shuffle. He really wants to be there when I deliver, children aren’t allowed and only one visitor is allowed and that visitor can’t leave.

We’re wanting to list out a few contingency plans in case of labor catching us off guard/rapid delivery. Like a separate plan for if baby comes in the middle of the night vs during the day.

We’re totally overthinking it, I know 😂 but would you indulge my anxiety and indecision and share how you handled it??

Thank you!