Baby seems to prefer Dad

I'm on leave to take care of our son, so I'm home all day with him, lately there's been tons of mornings filled with fussing and screaming, ill try everything to appease him, then his dad will come home on lunch, hold him for a bit (so I can sanitize his bottles and prep some for the fridge) and he'll calm right down and go to sleep, its not every afternoon , but it seems to be happening more and more , and it's like that after he comes home from work soon as dad gets a hold of him he calms right down and finally sleeps,

I feel so defeated when this happens, it just hurts in a way thats hard to describe.i don't feel like a failure, but man does it hurt to feel like your baby has chosen a favorite parent other than you. Because I try everything, change diaper, put on some of his fave songs, make sure he's warm enough or that he's not cold, try to get him to sleep, change positions, rub his belly and do bicycles for gas, see if he's hungry... everything he could possibly want, and he still screams and fusses and thrashes. I've tried wearing my husband's shirts to see if its a scent thing for comfort , I've tried making my body heat match my husband's because he's warmer than me, and nothing has changed, he just won't relax with me.

But sometimes he has good days, and he's fine with me , but the inconsolable days are becoming more frequent

This all started not last week but the one before , when he had a week full of half days at work.

Its also like this when I ask for help from my mother , he'll be super calm and sleep in her arms instantly , we half joke about my son making a liar out of me because he'll fall right asleep minutes before they arrive and be as good as gold when he wakes up for her. Does anybody else run into this ??