Lost a good friend from getting pregnant

So last year around August I got pregnant but I had a miscarriage my friend of 7 to 8 years wasnt very excited about me being pregnant even tried to say I faked it. Their was also another girl that i thought was my friend and apparently they met up in lawton Oklahoma and this other girl gracie told my best friend that i was talking mess about her and said that she was jealous of me for being pregnant but i was angry i didnt mean any of it i apologized over and over but she just wasnt having it so this other girl shes only like 20 with 2 kids tried telling me that I shouldn't lie blah blah blah she tried acting like she was all innocent when she would bad mouth my ex best friend April as well I messaged my friend april on fb told her you know I'm sorry for what I did I took full responsibility for what I did say but I was angry and I let our fight get to us and I just flipped out I felt so bad and I regret everything I said but now she blocked me on everything but decided to stay friends with the other girl who was extremely two faced to the both of us and I'm just sad and I feel like a pos for doing and saying what I said I'm just gonna miss her idk how I'm going to move on from this 💔😢I knew her since I was 14 years old and I'm now 23 and it makes my heart hurt so much I wish I could've done things differently but nothing I say can fix this