Decided not to find out the gender


We had one hell of a week last week. Our 12 week scan results returned high risk for downs & Patau with a 1 in 6 and 1 in 35 chance. It meant more testing with a detailed scan and more bloods taken for a NIPT test. The 5 days wait felt like forever and my heads been buried in Google. We finally got the call to say my bloods came back as low chance with less than 1 in 100.000. After this news and feeling such a

HUGE relief, we have decided not to find out the gender anymore. And I feel excited about it!

I found out with my daughter 6 years ago and I was adamant I wanted to know this time around also. But I’m just so happy and relieved to know everything’s OK in there it no longer seems important.

If anyone else is going through this heart wrenching time waiting on results, please keep the faith. 1 in 6 felt like the odds where totally against us but try to breathe through it. Sending lots of love! X

Due 29th Aug. ❤️