Pregnant and getting a divorce


Hello, i am writing because I feel broken and lonely, 6 years ago I moved to a different country to live with the men that I thought would be the love of my life, we began to having problems to the point we were fighting all the time, but always try to make it work because I loved him, the point is we reach a breaking point last year November when I found out he was cheating on me, talking with another girl, and besides that he told me he was confused and didn’t know if he still loved me, the point is that same month when I thought things couldn’t get worse between us, I found out I was pregnant, he immediately told me to end the pregnancy but I couldn’t, I couldn’t live with the idea that my first pregnancy would end this way, then after talking and discussing we agree to “try” and make our relationship works one last time for the baby, the point is two months later he told me he was not being honest with me and he couldn’t lie to me anymore, that he doesn’t want to try it again because he doesn’t love me anymore and it will not be fair to only stay together for a baby :( the last couple weeks have been a hell for me, completely lonely in a foraign country far from my family and with no real friends, this is my first pregnancy and I never thought it will be this way, broken, sad, with no will to live and move on, I just hope God give me the strength that I need to get over this, for me and my baby, I really don’t know what to do