I really need to rant.


Since beforw my son was even born my partners mum has been so overbearing. (Although the way my partner sees it she's 'just trying to help') she brought all my babies nursery furniture before I even seen it, same with the pram she brought like 3 secondhand prams that she never asked if I wanted she just brought them (kept 2 at her house🤔🤣) told me not to breastfeed because I'd have a moany child and she didn't want that for her grandson.. (I didn't breastfeed after wanting to so badly because I wanted to please her as she changed my boyfriends mind too😓) I maintain its because she wanted to be able to take him and feed him ect.. just odd things. (You probably are thinking aw that's just a caring grandmother.. however she can be very twisted and change your words, make you feel very small asif you're doing wrong, whenever she's 'helping' she's not doing it unless it's benefiting her ect.) Literally she'll walk in the room and it'll be all 'granny's boy granny's boy' when I'm holding him or laughing with him, or I'll put him down and he'll start crying but no that'll be because she walked out of the room and made coffee that he started crying not because he's not with mum anymore. like when it comes to my mum she's quite unwell with arthritis and my partners mum says and does wee things that just isnt nice like says 'yeah you couldn't lift him' 'he couldn't stay at your mums as she can't really do much with him' 'he's a granny's boy granny's boy!' Whenevr he's actually saying NANA.. That kinda thing? She's just a dick 🤭🤣 now you know a bit of background please do help me with my predicament 🤣🤣

Anyway since my son was about a month old she was wanting to take him overnight, she lives at the coast which is about 30 miles away and not handy to us at all, of course myself AND my partner said no and maintained that for months. Anytime we'd say no she'd make it asif we didn't want her to see her grandson, or I was being nasty not letting her take him. Then she'd cry and make it all about her eugh just talking about it really fucks me off. She made up that people around her were ''noticing" I didn't want her around my son.. when literally I didn't want her to take my son so far away especially when she doesn't follow what we want her to (feet to the bottom of cot, no kissing atm (covid) don't feed him this or that .. just loads of things we've asked that she won't follow as she 'knows best she's had 3 boys and done it all on her own'

Anyway so over the past year there's been multiple arguments with her not being able to take the baby when she wants or whatever.. bare in mind she calls the day before and if I don't say yes she'll guilt trip me or make me feel bad so I change my plans so she can take him 😩 THIS HAPPENS WEEKLY GIRLS!!! It can cause arguments between me and my partner because he says i don't stand up for myself but I don't think it should be me to say these kind of things as it's his mother.. if it was mine of course I'd say something but she's not my mum and the words I'd say wouldn't be nice. She would also turn everyone else around us against me or bring them into it and it would just make me feel so so shit I already am struggling with PND :(

SO on Friday I got a phonecall from her, not once did she ask how I was, she just spoke about how down she is, what pains she had, that she was ready to sign herself in, and that my son was the only reason she was still here and he brings her so much happiness ect.. but never asked how I was feeling. She mentioned that she would be moving closer until October when she gets her new rental, and that she was excited to take my son overnight and on summer walks ect and that anytime I needed a 'break' (which I barely do need as my son is that clung to me that I'm now clung to him🤣) she'd take him overnight. I hmm'ed and said aye maybe we'll see!

Then she called my partner last night and asked what we were doing tomorrow, were going on a walk so that was said, she then said that the day before when we were on the phone I said that it was okay that she take him on Sunday night to sleepover and he'd come back Monday. Ahhh well I was absolutely tampin when my partner came to me and said 'mum said that you had agreed to let ** stay with her tomorrow because you needed a break' aghhh well I felt myself going bright red.

There was nooooo mention what so EVER of my son staying there no plans no nothing, if there was I'd of mentioned that to my boyfriend that he was going away Sunday for a sleepover, I wouldn't have arranged to do something Monday afternoon, I'd of got advice from my mum ect.. I was so so angry. Literally she'd just completely lied/made it up. Now AS USUAL I'm stuck in that position where I HAVE to say yes or it'll be a big thing, she never asked she literally just made this up. My partner says he'll respect my decision either way however I don't mind him going down as I am actually tired but I'm so frustrated with the way its turned out, this happens all the time then I'm made to feel like the bad guy.

I want to say something but I know I'll be beat down for it.

What way would you approach this situation? My partner is starting to notice my anger/dislike towards her, he knows how she is though.

I think my partner should have a real good talk with her also think I should too but I don't want to feel like shit because of it because she'll bring up that my sons the only reason she's still here and that he saved her ect... sorry but he's my son and I feel like I don't have a say to whether he goes out or not it's just a must she never asks and we've literally spoke to her about this multiple times it doesn't sink in. 😒😔