Back Pain 16 Weeks

I’m 16 weeks pregnant, and I’m having pretty considerable discomfort in my lower back, especially on the right side. There’s also a faint ache in my lower abdomen and, for lack of knowing the proper way to word it, an ache in the area where pee comes from.

There’s also issues with urination- some urgency and not being able to get it all out and maybe just a LITTLE burning here and there- but I just recently had a urine culture sent out (like last week) and the only thing they found was BV which I just got my antibiotics for today.

The pain is being accompanied by a bit of nausea.

I’ve been struggling with reoccurring UTI’s/UTI symptoms and I’ve had BV twice since I miscarried last year in August, but every doctor I’ve gone to just gives me a new dose of antibiotics and sends me on my way until a few weeks later when they have to test me for the same issue all over again.

There has to be an underlying cause.

I know all the tips and tricks. No soda. Plenty of water. Peeing after sex. Not using soap to clean my female area. Wiping front to back. Etc.

I have an appointment with my PCP tomorrow, but my next OB appointment isn’t until the 29th.

Has anybody ever struggled with similar issues? And what did you do if so? I just need advice.

I’m extremely uncomfortable.