Sleeping problems

I’m currently 38 and 3 and for the past week or so my daughter has found it pretty comfortable to be under my ribs on my left side. I’ve been able to get her to move out of there especially at night since it’s painful. Well starting a few days ago she strictly only stays on my left side. And she applies pressure at the bottom of my belly basically where it ends at and my ribs again to the point where sleeping on my left side is IMPOSSIBLE because of the pain and discomfort especially when she moves in there. I try laying on my right but I haven’t been able to since around 20 weeks because of pressure I feel. So now I’m at the point where I hardly am sleeping. I try to sleep sitting up on the couch or the bed but I’m only able to do that for so long as we all know it’s not the best. I’m just wondering if anyone has experienced this before and what did you do for comfort