Large baby at 20weeks...Possible GD


I had my anatomy scan yesterday at 19+6 days. Baby was measuring bigger than GA, especially in the belly. Think it was about 2 weeks ahead and they told me he weighed about 15 oz. I was told to contact my OB and have my glucose test done early to see if it’s GD or he’s just a big baby. Anyone else go through this? I know GD isn’t mentioned to some people, but I’m obese according to my BMI, and I’m 37. I also have family history of type 2 diabetes on my moms side of the family. I’m freaking out because I worry about my health and my sons. I’m also worried I’ll continue with type 2 diabetes after pregnancy if I do have GD. It worries me so much because the 3 people that I know of that had it in my family, none of them lived past the age of 60. I’m waiting for F&MM to send my results to my OB to see what they want to do. Hoping they can get me in to have my glucose test soon because this momma is freaking out!