Picking out c section date


Hey mamas this is just me ranting! Please tell me if I’m wrong because I’m having problems with this dr not listening and ignoring things that she shouldn’t be ignoring. So I am 28 weeks and 4 days. My original due date was May 30th from cycle but when we start doing ultrasounds it moved up to May 28th. Since week 10 I have been really excited about this week because she told me I could pick out a due date today. Well I go in and she completely forgot that I was suppose to pick out a due date today and kinda blew this appointment off when I asked her if she had any available spots open on May 20 *the week of the ultrasound due date* she told me no and the only way she would take the baby then is if something is wrong! She also told me she never said my due date had changed when me and my mom heard her say it. After that convo just stop talking and she told me to wait on her nurse to give me options on her available spots for the week of May 30th. I was already heart broken because the due date I had picked was my parents anniversary. I sat there trying not to cry because my hopes were so high and I was going to surprise them. The nurse then walked in the room with a day and time I should arrive to the hospital already picked out without asking me if I wanted that date. This pregnancy has already been hard because of the pain I’ve been in. Is this how c section dates are picked out? I know all drs are different but I feel this was really rude of her. Please no negative comments. This is my second pregnancy. I’m not sure how this goes because my first pregnancy was emergency c section.