After Birth, Birth Control Options...?

Okay so I have reacted badly to every BC I have tried.. I have been on the pill, I have been on the mini pill, I have had the jadelle rods in my arm, I have had the copper iud, i react to most lubricants, I am allergic to latex and latex free condoms are not exempt from being coated in lube, as well as these are not able to be subsidised..

So what do I do once this baby comes? I’m so scared of getting pregnant soon after my first baby and I’m starting to think abstinence is going to be my only option but I don’t want to drive my fiancé away because he becomes too sexually frustrated (I’m talking like 1-2 years.. and I understand that the sexually active adult body does have sexual needs that need to be met from time to time)

Ladies who also struggle to find contraception that doesn’t leave you red, raw, itchy, in pain, mental, sick, or in hospital .. what do you use? I need your answers 😩