Anyone experinced this

Jan • Mummy to my 😇Angel Findley born sleeping at 39 weeks 💙.. And 😇 angel Robyn late miscarriage at 16 weeks. 🌈 Lewis 02/09/2020 👼 👼👼ruptured ectopic and two miscarriage

Sooo AF turned up 14th feb, am 6 month pp and i was a bit smug to my friend at how my period was lot lighter this month. It only last 3 days but maybe a few days later i had two random pink bleeds very watery.

I felt sick so 23rd i tested got a vfl (ic) so i thought chemical, however IC still positive and darker but not blazing, bot squinters either, on the 1st i still felt pregnant so gook a CB digital said 1-2 weeks (afternoon), then two clear blue test which showed progression over two days, a week later i took a CB digital again and got 2-3 weeks (afternoon) pregnant.

So i have convinced myself that his cant be a viable pregnancy... but then google says maybe?