Relationship advice

Hey you guys I had posted before about my boyfriend for 2 years recently proposed and is now acting distant it’s been 2 weeks since it all started I’m 26 obviously want to start a family one day he knew that from the start I live with him but he really wants to end things because I talked about starting a family. He said he had gotten advice from someone and said he should wait about 4-5 years before having kids. he told his family he wanted kids.. then said he didn’t want kids at all, I wasn’t too happy. He then said we should end things. I wanted answers he said I can’t be with someone controlling I asked him if he loved me he said “no I just feel like I don’t care anymore” but then said “I care about you, I just don’t want you to be unhappy and I want you to be with someone that actually wants a family” he still sleeps in the same bed also this may be tmi but he said if we were to have sex he wants to use a condom he doesn’t want any “mistakes”. He also told me he can’t deal with my emotions… I’m a very emotional person.

I know I’m stupid but I am an emotional wreck right now I’m so confused on what he wants and thinks and I just need advice from woman to woman 😔 I mean I love him but not sure what to do?

Thank you I’m advance