Unexpected delivery...


Well backstory: 31 wks docs took an ultrasound because my belly was measuring small. While assessing her we found she was in breech position but was 3lbs 6 ozs and measuring right on time. The following appointments the doctors just felt around and said that she had moved into head down position and everything was good.

Okay so Friday afternoon I go to my 38 week appointment and I have them check to make sure she was still head down because I didn’t believe she had fully turned. They said she was head down and her butt was on my left. Well fast forward about 4pm my water breaks as I’m sitting at the dinner table playing on my computer. I get to the hospital. They confirm water broke and that I was contracting. When they checked my cervix the doc said it doesn’t feel like a head down there let’s do an ultrasound... well lo and behold she was breech. Therefore I delivered my baby girl via c section at 8:51 the same night... she weighed 6lbs 10oz

Talk about traumatic... not how I wanted to deliver my baby girl.

But I am grateful it was done quick and that she’s super healthy