Large NT


Hey everybody. I could use a little support. I went to have my 12 week ultrasound today. Baby’s HB is 155. But the Sonographer noticed the the baby had a bit of space between he head and spine. I’m scared out of my wits as this is being told to me. My bBy may have a 4-5 % chance to come with DD and a higher chance with Chromosome abnormalities. They send me to the lab to have a NIPT done also known asMaternity Genome. Was also told most test come back + for women my age. I’m 43. I broke down in the elevator with what was told to me. If the test come back all positive would I want to continue my pregnancy. Of course I said No! But I’m just hoping someone has a positive insight to this. I’ve been crying all day. I’m scared, alone and afraid of the unknown. I have to wait a full 2 weeks from today. This is going to be the Hardest waiting period ever. Someone ever had the same thing told to them ?