Help please

TW: Sex

Ok so I’ve been going through extreme overthinking for months and i know I’m fine but my body has been kicking my ass. Heartburn and acid reflux (I’ve had for year but i think the anxiety made it worse) basically i missed w this guy in oct and started overthinking of what if some i got stuff inside me (we didn’t have sex we were doing foreplay but he went first). Got my period on time and took a test to be sure. I haven’t been able to stop overthinking i took another test a month later then a blood test. Saw my gyn said i was fine then went to a new one because i moved they did a pelvic exam and a urine test. All while having regular periods. Then i started getting this weird twitch in my stomach (i think my bc messed me up) and had to go to the er cause i contracted corona they tested me there still negative. Went back for the heartburn on mon got blood and urine taken all negative. And had just gotten off my period. Now i realize i am extremely overthinking especially being that i didn’t even have sex but i can’t stop. I keep getting twitching all over my body and I’m my stomach and it’s making me extremely nervous. I would be at 21 weeks if i was but I’m pretty sure I’m not never had a positive and never missed a period and didn’t even fully have sex but I’m not trying to be a rare exception i started seeing a therapist too cause i can’t keep overthinking like this I’m in college and it’s on my mind everyday i feel like I’m going crazy. Cause i know if i was i couldn’t keep it and time is running out