Time for an introduction...


Hi Ladies;

I am 36 and have a 5 year old little girl. I've been married almost 7 years and together almost 15 years. We lost a baby 10 years ago this week (March 2011).

I had contracted COVID after taking my daddy to an urgent specialist appt. (He had it and didn't know) back in December before Christmas. I missed xmas and new years with my babygirl which was devastating but I'm grateful my hubby and her didn't catch it. My mom also caught it and her and I quarantined separately. Daddy was 2 months in the hospital before recently passing away 2.20.21. He fought hard. He even got over covid but the damage it left behind was irreversible.

I got pregnant shortly after I came out of quarantine and saw baby's heartbeat about 7w3d... when I went for a follow up the following week and last week they could no longer find a heartbeat. I just had my D&C yesterday and I am now dealing with the loss of my dad and my baby within 2 weeks of eachother. I am trying my best to not loose faith or hope and stay strong for babygirl who def still needs her mama. She has been suffering enough loosing her papa she was beyond close to. They were bffs.

Prayers to all us mamas dealing with loss and here is to hope that we will be successful soon 🙏🏼❤