Not crawling?


My sweet chunky girl will be 10 months in about a week; and isn’t crawling yet! She sits up great, can push all the way up on her hands when she’s on her belly. She gets around by a combination of army crawl, rolling and wiggling (and often makes it halfway across the living room this way). But I’ve tried to put her in the traditional crawl position (on her hands and knees) and she almost instantly just slides back down so she’s on her belly/pushing up on her hands. Her legs are strong and she often pulls herself up to standing using my hands. Dr wasn’t concerned at her 9 month checkup because she’s advanced in her language skills and babbles up a storm, but I’m just trying to figure out if I can help her progress in crawling. I can tell she’s dying to get around.

Anyone else in a similar boat? I know babies progress at different rates, but by now both my boys were crawling. Just wondering if anyone else has a stubborn, not-yet-crawling lil babe 🥰