Pregnant or not?

I was supposed to start my period on the 16th. I woke up with light cramping and their was light blood. I went to work, and noticed that I didn’t need to change my tampon due to lack of bleeding. Usually the 1st few days, I have to change my tampons regularly due to heavy bleeding. The next day(17th)—there was no bleeding at all. Last night—I started to feel cramping, and was like whew my period is going to start. This morning i was fully expecting my period. However I only had small amounts of brown discharge, but no red/pink blood. I panicked and took a pregnancy test. It was negative—I know it also could be too early to detect. My husband and I didn’t have sex during my ovulation period(I think). My period is ALWAYS consistently on time to the exact day-27 days. So for me—-3 days is unusual. Also the cramps come and go. These symptoms are completely different than my last baby. Last time—I was sooo fatigued, tender breasts, etc. I have had none of those same symptoms. Any thoughts or advice would be appreciated.