Unicornuate Uterus - anyone else??


I’ve known about my UU for a year and a half! My baby girl was breech and my water broke at 37 weeks 2 days. They found my UU during my c section.

There are a lot of statistics to read about UU which are super scary, so I’ve been a little anxiety ridden this pregnancy. 🥴 the biggest concerns of a UU are preterm labor and growth restriction for baby since it is half the size of a normal one, so the MFM doctor wants me back monthly to be monitored by ultrasound. Thankfully I made it to full term with my baby girl, so the goal is for me to make it to full term again. We aren’t finding out gender until birth, so here’s to hoping no slip ups happen and that baby and I continue thriving together. 🤞🏼

Is there anyone else with a unicornuate uterus in the group?

How is everyone doing?!

Here’s a picture of my little sweetheart, weighing 13 oz at the 20 week scan. 🥰