Insecurity during pregnancy


I am 35.5 weeks pregnant with my first baby, who is a little girl. For most of my pregnancy I have felt fine with my body and the changes to it. However, the further along I get, the more insecure I’m starting to feel. I think it is because of my relationship issues. I was with my daughter’s father for 8 years. He wanted me to get pregnant, so we had unprotected sex during my fertile window and I got pregnant first try. 12 weeks into my pregnancy he said he didn’t want me anymore and left me. He’s caused me tremendous emotional and mental pain this whole pregnancy. Now I am having to watch my body contort and expand in ways I didn’t know possible. I feel ugly, unworthy, and unimportant. I wonder what man would ever see my body as beautiful if I was rejected and left by the one I’d spent almost a decade with. I am only 23. I am also struggling a lot with anxiety and depression because of this all. I just don’t know how to feel better. I have a maternity photo shoot this weekend and bought a nice gown. But all I can think about is that I will be alone in my pictures. Like I’ve been alone this whole time. Any help would be much appreciated.