Pre-K Questions!!


My son turns 5 this July and will be going to pre-k in the fall. He has not been in any preschool or even daycare his entire life and has been with me the whole time. I’m just wondering if anyone has had the same situation and what did you do to help your child not be so scared. My son (with tears in his eyes) said “don’t leave me, mommy” when I told him about going to school and how I won’t be able to be there and it absolutely broke my heart. We still have a few months so I want to prepare him the best I can. He’s excited to make new friends and to play (covid put a stop to play dates so he’s ready to play with other kids) but he still says he wants me there with him. Also, we will be moving to a new duty station a couple months after he starts school so if anyone has any pointers on how to navigate that as well that would be awesome! Thanks!!