Mad at eachother

So I got laid off and my whole life has been my 1 year old and my fiance works. I go to therapy once a week and I was a little bothered because my fiance knew weeks in advanced about something he had to do for work the day of my appointment and didn't mention it to me. I just let him know to let me know next time as soon as he figures it out. It's fine but I also think he doesn't like me going to therapy and always tries to get me to cancel ,etc. Then I let him know that I was able to make a gym reservation and I wanted to go and he said that was fine. I let him know that I have to give the baby a bath. I had his dinner ready and when I tried giving the baby a bath he asked if we could watch am episode of the series we watch together. I want him to be happy so I did. Then I ran the bath water and asked for his help so when I was done with his bath . I could be ready and head for the door. He then said that I make the gym a priority and what if he was dog tired and couldn't put the baby to sleep. In Mt head I'm thinking why didn't he tell me this before ? So he kept making comments and I felt guilty and said fine I won't go. And now all of a sudden( even though and hour before I left he made a joke about how I'm leaving and that he's going to have fun on his own and play his video game with his friends.) He lays down to make a point. But he's awake. Its too late now and he says. You can go to the gym now. I told him it was too late and then he said that it seems like I'm making the gym my priority instead of our son. I let him know how I felt and he said stuff like next time don't make it seem like that and if you feel guilty then that's a you problem. So its fine. I'm ranting and angry.

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