Might be pregnant ?


So my boyfriend and I had sex the day I ovulated. We don’t use birth control or protection. Not to be too TMI, but it was in the shower.. does water effect sperm activity and there ability to do their job? I’m pretty sure I was ovulating because my discharge was SUPER watery and slimy, and it was only like that for maybe a day and a half. After we had sex the next day it stopped, I haven’t had ANY discharge since. My nipples are sore but other than that literally no other symptoms. Is this a sign of pregnancy or not? Every other time I thought I was pregnant I felt like i was experiencing so many symptoms and now it’s almost weird im not. My period is in 9 days, normally by now im super emotional and tense but I’ve felt completely normal, the only difference is I’ve had that feeling where your period IS coming but literally light to almost 0 cramps. It’s so weird and I guess I’m just asking because I’ve never felt like this? I really don’t think I am, but doesnt hurt to hear other opinions:)