I feel like a married, single mom

My husband and I have been married for about 2 years and we have a 10 month old son. We have been together a total of 6 years though. He has a very physically demanding job and I am a stay at at home mom so I understand that I have to do most of the house care and child care but I didn’t sign up to do it all alone. My husband seems to think a paycheck is all he needs to contribute. I am grateful to get to stay home with my son but it is exhausting never getting a break. My husband will play with or “watch” my son for me during the weekends for maybe 20-30 mins at a time so I can shower and eat. Other than that it’s all me. I clean the whole house, do all the grocery shopping, take my son to all his dr appointments, pay the bills, run him to relatives houses because nobody ever wants to visit us, and do all my sons care (feeding, changing, bathing, put him to bed) I’m also planning his first birthday on my own now too. It’s just really frustrating that my husband can just pick and choose when he wants to be a parent. If he’s watching our son and I’m eating he will tell me to hurry up because he wants to play his Xbox. Our son was planned. And he wanted to be a parent just as much as me so why doesn’t he act like it. Sorry this is more of a rant than anything. I’m just aggravated this morning because he’s mad I want him to get up at 9 am and not let him sleep in. My son and I get up at 6am every day.