My husband is the biggest bully that I know!

This man bullies me daily! Emotional bullying. He calls me fat, he takes away things that I am eating- I hide in the toilet to eat. He tells me to do something about my weight. Can I just say that we have two kids(7 months old and 3 years old)... immediately after having our 7 months old, that was when my husband started reminding me that I am fat. I am a UK size 14, before kids I was a UK size 8. If I have an headache and I tell my husband, he will say that it’s because I am fat and I should do something to lose weight. It’s gotten so bad that I am afraid of him and I keep things to myself to avoid his body shaming remarks. For the past 2 days I have had this back pain, unbearable pain but I have kept it to myself and endured in silence... because I know if I tell my husband, he will say it’s due to fatness. Unfortunately the pain got worse and I need a massage badly to see if it will relieve the pain, so I told my husband by message when he was at work...

When my husband returned home from work, instead of helping me with the back massage, he said “I keep telling you that you need to lose weight.. that’s why you have back pain”... this was exactly why I didn’t want to tell me in the first place! His words are always so hurtful to me, but he never sees anything wrong with what he says and he continues to say more. I lost my sh*t and told him how I felt, he got angry and said that I am rude


I have read all the comments and I have been crying so much! Why? Because I was reluctant to share what I am going through in my marriage out of fear of being laughed out or told that my husband is doing what he is doing “for my own good”.. I’ve started to have low self-esteem due to how I now see myself caused by my husband’s constant reminders that I am fat, but reading these comments made me feel that even though I may be fat to my husband, I am beautiful in my own way. I am a very lonely woman and I have nobody else besides my husband and kids... no friends, nobody and I feel my husband feeds off this when he continues to bully me because he knows no one would comfort me or give me a hug and tell me that everything will be okay and that I deserve better.