J&J Covid vaccine... Yay or Nay?


Hi fellow mamas to be

I have the opportunity to take the Johnson &Johnson Covid vaccine through work this week but I’m feeling a bit conflicted.


-Doctors say better to deal with the vaccine side effects than risk catching Covid.

-This one is only 1 dose.

-I don’t have to go appointment hunting.

-Antibodies will be passed on the the babies.


-Lower efficacy than Moderna and Pfizer.

-Unknown/unstudied risks

-Less known about this vaccine compared to the other two.

What do you ladies think? Should I quit looking a gift horse in the mouth and take it or should I hold off and see if I can get one of the other vaccines from another source?

Also have any of you taken it? Had any issues? Regrets? Please let me know!


Finally heard back from my OB’s office who tells me now they don’t recommend J&J since it uses live virus. So much contradictory info! 🤦🏽‍♀️

Update 4/10/21:

Well I don’t know if the J&J vaccine would have been better or worse but I ended up getting the Pfizer vaccine from a local pharmacy on Friday. So far the only side effects I’ve had are a sore injection site and extreme fatigue this morning. Hopefully I did the right thing and won’t have any regrets about this once the babies are born. Thanks to everyone that gave their two cents about my post. It’s so nice having a place to air my thoughts, doubts and fears and not be judged too harshly for them.