Missed miscarriage


When I was 16 I had a doctor tell me I was pregnant and expierencing a miscarriage, she never explained anything to me but I never really believed her cause I never got a positive pregnancy test at home and when I finally went I was having what I thought was a period. This probably would have been considered a chemical pregnancy cause my period was only like a week late, which was very weird for me, it has always been very regular. Fast forward I am now 26, have 2 beautiful daughters and lost 2 other babies by mmc. Currently going through the second mmc, I was hoping to not have to have a d&e again, but it looks like I don't have an option this time. I'm doing my best to keep it together for my girls, but I keep going back and forth between being numb and not being able to stop crying. When I'm numb to it I feel guilty, like I should care more, but at the same time I can't let myself fall back into my depression. I know most of it is still all of the hormones, I still feel very much pregnant, my body has not figured it out all yet. How does everyone deal with all the emotions?