Today I’m finally proud of what I did

After 4 years of severe physical, mental, and financial abuse I called the cops on my


We got into an argument and he called me

Names and I fired back

And said I do not want to be with him anymore.

So he threw the remote at me and one of my children’s toys and then he kicked me. I was of course, scared. So I ran upstairs and locked myself in the bathroom. He threw something at the door then left. We have 2 kids together so I was going to take them to their school. But he took my car and then drained my account of all my money. I called the cops to report the incident and made a report and I also filed a TPO which was granted. I’m done with him. He isolated me

From everyone. It’s time to get me back. I refuse to ever give in to this monster again. I know

He will fight me every step of the way but I refuse to live like this anymore. He also told me he cheated on me with someone way better than me and honestly I’m so over him that I do not care anymore.