

Currently 39 weeks 3 days, due date is april 30th possibly May 1st. I am showing no signs of labor 0cm dilated. Doctor called me today to induce me tomorrow. On the fence about it since technically i have a few days til 40 weeks and give my body extra time. Husband says i should do it and that way we have a plan in place with the dog and daughter rather than drop off last minute or in the middle of the night. Obviously it’s not his body and he’s just more of a planner. With my first pregnancy doctor did a membrane sweep at exactly 40 weeks.

Main reason to have an induction is because I often mention to the doctor lack of movement. I do have an anterior placenta so movements are very light but i freak out the second i don’t feel baby move. I get NST testing twice a week and they’ve all been great. So it’s just me constantly worrying. doctor mentioned the induction as a way to be safe and not sorry later on...

Need advice/opinions on what you would do?