Covid Vaccine?


Hi expectant mamas,

I know this topic is asked often but I just wanted to get a new gauge on how is everyone feeling/handling it.

I am 26 weeks with an appointment to get my Covid vaccine tomorrow. My OB/GYN has encouraged me to get it, but ultimately states it’s my decision. From the last 26 weeks I’ve been good at social distancing, wearing a mask, and hiding away. But that’s just it, I’m hiding away and I t seems to get harder and harder as restrictions are lifting, the weather is getting nice, and not trusting other people or family to take CDC precautions so I can keep myself safe.

I am willing to cancel the annual family vacation, my nieces graduation, etc. But having to go in for work, run errands, and even thinking about having an outdoor baby showers is wearing so much on me.

Any other mamas out there with thoughts on getting this vaccine?