Team Trans Dad!


Did our "Paternity" shoot today Team Transgender Dad at it again!

Really wanna start commenting more for the sake of other transmen going through pregnancy. I'm in FB groups with hundreds of transdads but have only come across maybe 10 total on this app so I'm trying to add some inclusivity.

Feeling super excited.

35 weeks today and I'm feeling it.

Our little spaghetti squash seems to never sleep and still having to take daily Diclegis for nausea 🤮

Went in last week with sharp pains and got hooked up to a machine and told my contractions are beginning which is terrifying but no dilation. Given my mothers pregnancies we're all preterm and all labors under 2 hours start to finish I'm being watched carefully. Go back in 4 days for another scan cause he's only 4.6lbs despite being "perfectly healthy" 3 weeks ago he was measuring ahead now he's measuring behind I don't understand but they aren't worried. Anyone else gone through this?

Bones, heart, brain, lungs all fine but now have to drink 2 protein shakes a day to fatten him up just in case as if he DOES choose to come early they'd rather he be as big as he can be just in case. I keep gaining then losing weight week to week.

This is all sorts of new territory for me as yes I've gone to an OB, I know what parts I have biologically but I've never been fully comfortable with most anyone down there.

In the few years the hubby and I have been together I can still count on my hand how many times we've tried..THAT

Despite being on Depo to stop shark week AND testosterone for my transition(stopped at 18 weeks when we found out) we made a miracle.

I love this little boy to death and will walk through hell and back for him but I have so many worries and am sick of hearing "it's okay" and "keep your chin up" I'm allowed to be scared at this point right? There's too many what ifs in pregnancy to not have any worries...right?