Pregnancy/Baby Envy 🙄

Danielle • TTC #1 with PCOS 👼🙏✨

My bf called me to check up on me while he was at work and I asked him “can we go to the mall on Saturday” and he said “no, I forgot to tell aunt invited us to a Mother’s Day bbq on Saturday because she works on Sunday” I asked him who’s going to be there and he said just a couple of us nothing big.

The reason I asked was because his cousin got this girl pregnant and when I went to the last get together, they came and all they talked about was her pregnancy and everyone was so excited for her. I felt so uncomfortable and uneasy that I had to step outside. Don’t get me wrong I’m all about his family but if I see them and their baby come through my heart is going to sink to my stomach cause I probably won’t hear the end of it.

I’m going through this by myself and his family doesn’t know we’ve been trying for over 2 years and they constantly ask when we will have kids and I just say “maybe one day” cause I don’t want them to know about my struggles. It’s just crazy to me. His cousin is 22 and got this 18 year old girl knocked up out of nowhere. I’m 25 and hubby is 23 and we’re “young” but I just don’t see it that way especially if you been trying for a while.

Anyways, I just wanted to vent cause I’m scared to even go 😂 and I can’t say no this time cause I haven’t seen them since last year and I don’t want his family to think I’m ignoring them. I’ve just been going through it you know...

Also, I’m on my second dose of Letrozole. And we’ve been baby dancing this week. So please send baby dust my way and wish me luck! And pray for me that I will get through this damn bbq in one peace 🤣

Many of his family’s gatherings I would just drink my way through them but I don’t have that choice anymore. Gotta get through it sober now! Lol