My midwives didn’t even do them prior to labor. My OB for this pregnancy doesn’t either. They have been watching my cervix via ultrasound but nobody is sticking a hand up there before I need to be checked for admittance lol
🌹 • May 11, 2021
Lol even for me at the hospital, I was only checked 3 times in 18 hours of labor with my second. I had preterm labor with my son so I was checked 4 times over 2 days just to make sure I wasn’t dilating. He was born the third day though and still only had 1 check that day. With my second, they checked me and I was only 5cm after 18 hours of labor. She was born less than 10 minutes later. With my son, I got to triage at 4cm, he was born about an hour later. Checks don’t tell you anything except maybe whether or not you’re in active labor. They just cause stress 😬 I had 3 nature deliveries and the worst part with all 3 was the checks. I think partly because I have a posterior cervix but still just sucked!
H • May 11, 2021
I’ve been considering declining as well
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had my first one today and wasn’t expecting it to be nearly as uncomfortable as it was. it doesn’t last very long but it is somewhat painful.
If you had it done to check and see at your 36 week appointment it was uncomfortable?
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Worst part of the entire labor for me... but I also had a cone biopsy back in 2016 so that may have contributed. Regardless, it’s not comfortable whatsoever.