Americans, pro or anti guns?


Just so curious, it may have been posted before but I’m in England and I was thinking after seeing a story about an everyday man who’s wife got attacked by a bobcat, he casually had a gun in his pocket.

Which is totally different territory for me as we have no guns here, well allowed to freely have them which is fine by me here as it’s been like this for years so I don’t feel worried that anyone could have one.

But if I were in America where guns were legal and have been for years, I’d probably want one also just to protect myself incase of anything!

But I’m not in America so I don’t know the real story of it all, how do you, as Americans feel about it? Do you carry? Do you dislike guns?

If in a country where you don’t have guns like England, or able to carry them freely/casually, what do you think? Would you want a gun somewhere like America?

I’m simply curious about it, please educate me if I’m saying things that are wrong as I don’t fully know.


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