Maternity Leave

I work for a company that I work 95% from my home and computer. I only work outside the home when I schedule myself to go in the office or go to a site for review. This won't change after labor either, I'll continue to work from my computer from my home.

How much leave should I take!? I have no idea, and I am so torn. I enjoy my work and its honestly not that difficult to manage its just phone calls and emails, reports.

This is my first baby, and I qualify for 6 weeks short term disability at 60% pay and the other 6weeks for flat unpaid. I have 2 weeks PTO I can take as well.

Important note, I plan to quit my job sometime between this Christmas and April 2022 and be home full time till she goes to school.

I know that this company could truly care less and will replace me without a beat but I also know the stress my leave will add to a very close friend and colleague.

So do I take the whole time and go back early if I can. Do I take the 6 weeks or 8 weeks paid with PTO and STD?

Or what I'm thinking is take 1 month off then go back.

I just don't get what you do the entire maternity leave. My cousin just had a baby and she like does nothing all day, just hangs at home and I think I'd go nuts. I think I'll want to be working and answering emails. But I'm also fully aware my loyalty or commitment to the company and coming back early would not be reciprocated by the company.