Did I over react?


I was with my boyfriend and he wanted to go over to his friends house and i didn’t want to go with him so i asked him to drop me off at my house. After being there for a couple hours he decided he wanted to come over and hangout, i told him he could so he said to give him about 20-30 minutes. This was at 10:30. (I live 10 minutes from the guys house). Anyway after about an hour he finally said he was on the way. I told him okay and i was waiting on him what shouldn’t have took more than 15 minutes to get to my house. Well after about 30 minutes i texted him and said “if your going to say you’re gonna do something stick to it and don’t lie to me” Maybe i shouldn’t have said it like that but i was angry because i was happy he wanted to come back and see me but then it was getting late so even if he did come over after all that time there really wasn’t any reason to because i’m tired and he can’t stay here tonight. He got really upset with me about that he told me he had to drop his friend off but i don’t understand why he couldn’t have just told me that before. Did i over react a little bit be honest because sometimes i’m quick to do that when i don’t get what i want.