Second child fears


Has anyone here wanted a second child, but at the same time faced a lot of fears? My first born is my whole world and spent time as a single mom (she is now 3 1/2) and have done phenomenal in having the same steady job and even bought a house. Now I with a man who kinda stepped up as a father figure and has lived with us for a year, as well as been a big helping hand.

We have debated having a child of our own. I want my first born to experience having a sibling and have someone to grow up with, but I worry about how I’ll bond with child number 2 or how it’ll effect me and my daughter’s dynamic. I usually end up chickening out and continue to take my birth control. 😂 Yet the idea of her and a sibling growing up together takes me back to wanting to add to our family the next day.

Anyone else face this small conflict with having a second child?