Are Constant Braxton Hicks Normal at 39 Weeks?

I’m 39 +1 and have been experiencing Braxton Hicks all day for the last 2 days. They are not painful so they are hard to time because I don’t always realize they are happening. The ones I was able to time were happening about every 15 minutes and lasting 1-2 minutes.

I am constantly drinking water and don’t think it’s dehydration. They are not painful, but this evening I feel like my stomach is constantly tight with just a few minutes inbetween. Sometimes when I change positions it lightens up, and sometimes it doesn’t 🤷🏻‍♀️

Has anyone had a similar experience?? Is this normal?! I’m worried that they are somehow actual contractions that I’m just not feeling... I was monitored at the hospital last week and was told I was having real contractions but I didn’t feel a thing.