11 days post partum anal fissure ?

I’m 11 days PP and I had 2 tears during birth, one mainly near my rectum. During the hospital stay, I couldn’t even sit on my bottom because of the pain. I used the tucks, earth mama spray and dermaplast, but nothing really seemed to settle it. So they have me roxycodone of how bad the pain was ( 2 doses ) and it seemed to have worked. I was bleeding normally, more of dark brown, then after 10 days I started having more bleeding and clots. Rectal spasms are getting worse, and I had my first Bowel movement 5 days PP, that was the most painful thing ever. I feel itchy near my rectal area and the pain seems to go and come. I think I have both a hemorrhoid and an anal fissure. The pain should feel better by now but its not getting better. It’s interfering with my emotional and mental health. I’m So beyond stressed as I had a 48 hour labor and delivery, plus being a new mom.

Also, I feel a piece of skin in between my butt cheeks and that’s what made me question that I might have an anal fissure. Going to call my Ob tomorrow and see what we can do.

Did anybody else experience this before ?