UTI? Pregnancy. HELP!

Alexus • 💙Korbin James💙 $alexusmarie2k17

When I went to my last appointment at 28 weeks they told me that I had a UTI but I didn’t have any symptoms like pain when I pee or having to pee a lot more than usual I’ve had a few UTIs in my life and I figured I’d at least have the common symptoms🤷🏼‍♀️ usually when I have a UTI it’s painful to pee and my stomach hurts and I have the urge to pee a lot more often even if there isn’t a lot of pee I would feel like I have to pee even if I don’t. But I didn’t have any of these symptoms. They told me that my blood pressure was “a little high” but idk what normal is and I don’t really remember exactly what it was. Anyways they gave me “Cephalexin 500” and told me to take 3 a day for 3 days (for UTI) and I told them I didn’t have any symptoms of a UTI but they said just take it so I did. I was reading a thing that said that high blood pressure is called preeclampsia or something and that it causes protein in your pee. Could this be related? Should I talk to my dr when I go next time? I’m 30 weeks today I have an appointment this week.