Boyfriend rant - no sex

We’ve been together for 4.5 years and lived together 1.5. He’s 29, I’m 26.

I know it’s different for everyone but we’ve stopped having sex. We used to do it twice a week and now I can’t remember the last time we did it. He even told me that he finds it annoying when I try to tease him/rub his crotch. I’m a fairly sexual person and get turned on frequently but recently it’s felt like we’re roommates and not in a relationship.

There’s just no passion or intimacy there. When we kiss it’s just a peck and he keeps his eyes open (which I find weird but have never mentioned it).

He’s not overly open about talking about is feelings, thinking about it, we’ve never actually argued. If we have a disagreement he sulks and literally won’t talk to me the rest of the night. I’m worried if I mention it he’ll just shut down on me.

He’s never been straight with me about what he wants from life, dream house, job, marriage or kids. His standard response is “a golden retriever”. I just don’t know where I stand.

I don’t feel like he’s attracted to me.