TWW symptoms

Hi all, so my breast tenderness has been all over the place. Some days they are more sore than others- I believe I implanted yesterday had some bad cramping 🤞🏻( 8 DPO). It has gone away now. I also had a pulsating sensation on my right side of my uterus. I tested today in case I could see something (BFN). i am going to try and wait 2 days before testing again. I woke up at 5am when I typically sleep until 7. I feel I have been waking up more early for no reason. My body just says, hello time to wake up. Then I fell back asleep until almost 8am. I feel like I’m going crazy- no one tells you this when TTC. I keep second guessing myself, is that a baby or that just normal bodily stuff. I’m trying to not get my hopes up so I’m not disappointed but I also want to send positive vibes to my body and the universe. Ughh- anyone in my boat? What are some of your TWW symptoms?